Unit 51 (QCF Spec)

Learning Aim:

To improve and redraft the current version of the front cover, using the new original imagery taken during the photoshoot.

To replicate the codes and conventions of Total Film magazine, adhering to professional standards.

Learning Outcome:

By the end of the lesson all students WILL

  • have identified 3-4 graphical elements from Total Film, that can be considered codes and conventions. 
  • have posted an ideal example of the 3-4 graphical elements they aim to replicate on their Instagram Accounts. 
  • have followed a range of tutorials to evolve and progress their Total Film front cover. 

By the end of the lesson some students MAY

  • have created alternate mock ups, with a choice of photography for comparison of the most appropriate image 
  • have finished version two of their front cover, and returned to their InDesign document.

Task 1 (starter)

Set Learning Aims based on industry standard style models…

Using the Total Film style models available, students will be asked to identified 3-4 graphical elements that can be considered codes and conventions, and post an ideal example of the elements they aim to replicate on their Instagram Accounts, with caption.

"My first aim of today’s Photoshop session will be to recreate… "
"My second aim of today’s Photoshop session will be to recreate… "
"My third aim of today’s Photoshop session will be to recreate… "

You should use the following media subject terminology in your caption…

  • codes and conventions 
  • genre
  • escapism
  • connotations
  • composition
  • ABC1 audiences
  • enigma codes
  • intertextuality
  • star power

Task 2 

Documenting evolution of product for portfolio (start of lesson)…
Take a photo of their front cover draft at the start of the lesson.

Task 3 
Photoshop Workshops…
You will have the freedom to work on layering up your front cover, using the inspiration from the style models identified in your Instagram learning aims.

Start replacing stock placeholder images with their own original imagery.

Task 3a

Documenting evolution of product for portfolio (halfway or after completion of each tutorial)…
Take a photo of your front cover draft upon completion of each individual tutorial.

Identify (and attempt to replicate) a graphical element present on another rival magazine, but ONLY if it follows the usual codes and conventions of Total Film

Task 4

Documenting evolution of product for portfolio (end of lesson)…
Take a photo of your front cover draft at the end of the lesson. Your caption should identify and ideally evaluate how the front cover has evolved and improved, and what you could work on next lesson.

Various Photoshop Tutorials for Unit 51

Front Cover